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gee dis wierd

cute!! i love how simple but well-executed it is.


On my first playthrough I stabbed her and then I followed her instructions on the next playthrough xD

The game's good tho ^^)/

soo cool!

Deleted post

stab her instead


Deleted post

I loved it! Great slow build up that slowly makes you feel more and more uncomfortable.


I don't know why, but this gives me animal crossing vibes.


aww this is such a cute game

My playthrough starts at 54:20


lady= now cut off your finger

me= no you *stabs lady*

(1 edit) (+2)

i commit self deth and kill people with my non-extistent gun


yum finger-flavored mmm

(1 edit) (+8)

Oh my lord this was amazing! It freaked me out and made me mildy discomforted, and I think that's great for a horror game! You should consider making a full game! Great job!

thank you so much! I definitely want to revisit the concept some day for something longer.

Wish there was a bit more too it. 


Here's how to get a "GOOD" ending :3

Sorry Almond. :)


Is it bad I was disappointed you couldn't make cookies out of the boss? Also very cute asthetic made the creep factor very interesting. Awesome play!

(1 edit)

REALLLLY love the disturbing eerie feel of the game! Hope to see you make more of these types of games!

Game starts @20:36


Hey guys, what was the twist? I think I missed it

Take down the enemy :)


This is amazing! I hope you consider the idea of a full game, I would 100 percent love to play that!

Thank you! I definitely want to revisit the idea in a longer format at some point.


that was really unexpected and i loved it honestly lmao.


Not gonna lie, I expected something to happen, but I was still surprised. Five star game!


okey, sabía que algo no iba a ir bien con la descripción de "completamente normal" pero no esperaba eso D: me gustó igualmente, me encantaría un juego completo <3

Short and sweet ;)


this was seriously unerving

i wish this was a full game, and the bit we got to see was AMAZING!!!

thank you! I'm interested in revisiting the concept later for a slightly longer game someday


ive never actualy had anyone respond to my comments!

i really think you should! lots of people love this game, and a few youtubers have played it, and im really intriged -sorry for my typos and terrible spelling- to see what a full game like or of this would be like!

somehting with multiple choices for dialouge and all that would be very interesting

this was actually a great game, no lie!

Hello! i played through and my god the twist was fast and unsuspected  >.> also i was NOT EXPECTING IT TO ACTUALLY STAB HER >.>. heres the playthrough if ya wanna see its the first one.

awesome, thank you! I was really hoping that some people would stab her, thinking it wouldn't do anything hahaha


Showing how to make heart marshmellows: cool, this is cute.

supervisor: "Now, cut off your finger"


Fun game! I played it in a video for youtube today to highlight this game jam!


Good stuff, really enjoyed the tone, pacing, and sound effects. The character art is also really good, and of course a really nice colour palette. Looking forward to more!


thanks for playing and uploading! :)


(Warning!! Spoilers below!! Beware!)

I WAS JOKING WHEN I TRIED TO STAB HER. I DIDN'T THINK IT WOULD ACTUALLY WORK!! T^T Honestly this game is so simple yet so freaking good. Legitimately horrific.


hehehe thank you I was hoping that someone would have this experience!

i shall refuse

Ur not the only one who tried dat... o-o

(1 edit)

Was ready for literally anything except that. Glad I stumbled onto this game, was really fun to play. The story went zero to a hundred really fast and subverted expectations and the art was really cute! 10/10 game, 10/10 recipe, will use again.

neat, thank you! thanks for playing through!

Wow, i legit froze and felt chills through my body when she gave that order. Really good game!

thank you so much, this is exactly what I was hoping for hahaha

i thoroughly enjoyed this and saved all my phalanges!

 Your game starts at 12:47

awesome, thanks!

Nice game! I love it :D


like that there was two endings!

thanks!! I'm glad people are finding the less obvious one! 

let me ask in the ending where you "refuse" do you put her fingers in the marshmallows?

lol maybe, but in my mind you just manage to escape the company with everything intact

fair enough.

Hah, this was awesome! The art and atmosphere was great and the dialogue made me laugh. Well done.

Thank you!


Why do I feel bad. :c


Can't wait to use this special recipe at home! :)



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