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i love cute games whit dark twists

are there only two endings?


cannibalism at its best lol.

i really enjoyed this game! it was fun, i didnt have enough time to do all the other endings but still enjoyable!


Why is it zoomed so much on my screen? Im on mobile btw


I ain't ready to believe that is all. Make more XD


cool. You should make a longer version. (now I want to try the recipe to see if it actually works, without the finger part of course)!


first ending i cut off my own finger and the second one, i love how she looks when i stabbed her like bruh you made me cut off my own finger.....too bad this is short but its still enjoyable :3


this was so funny lol!! made me laugh 

lol it was so funny fr! thanks for watching :3


uhmmmmm we need more endings bruh


I LOVE this game. When she told me to cut off my finger I was like "How 'bout I cot off YOUR finger" and accidentially killed her. It was so fun <3


i didnt know i could stab her lmao

(1 edit) (+8)

i've stabbed her in first try LOL

lmao samee

Very good and cute game. Great Timekiller. I love it sm.


I only stabbed her on my second try. I wanted to make a good first impression, even if it meant excessive blood loss. :) 

same lol


Hi there! My name is Aitana (aitutwice on, and I'm an Argentinean student who loves visual novels.

I always like to offer my translation services because I enjoy helping indie projects, and I am looking forward to making a career out of this. This is why I am offering to translate your game "candypink" to Latin American Spanish for free so that it can reach more Latin people.

I have previously worked on translations, such as "Stevens" by Lazytiger (LazyTiger's post).

I would be honoured to translate one of your games as well. Feel free to ask me any questions!

I await your answer.


Why is she so sad when I stabbed her 😭 Ma'am you just told me to cut my DAMN FINGER 💀


I stabbed the damn lady.


we all did


Literally cut off finger immediately, following directions without hesitation.

Poor business sense though. Only have 10 fingers to cut off. Gonna go through employees fast. Severance pay is expensive! Not to mention the cost of hiring and training new employees. Even MORE if there are health benefits. Kidnapping ingredients is a better business model than feeding your employees to your customers. More sustainable the other way around actually, you have more customers than employees.


best comment i've seen in my entire life bro


Not a bro, but thanks.


"bro" is used for every gender these days,idk why but it does not bother me that much personally but i can still understand ya


Personally find it extremely offensive and every reason why could be listed but noone would care and it wouldn't accomplish anything, because as it is, as it has been for thousands of years, humans 99% of the time do not question harmful ideas so long as they are not immediately obvious, are possibly well established, and can be protected by a larger, or louder, or more entrenched, or simply stronger group.

(1 edit)

Don't take it too personally.. (ᵕŏᴗŏ)


Agreed. It is rather a stupid way to get the ingredients...
But I think if they kidnapped their ingredients, It's better for them to kidnap more younger ingredients, the younger, the better really. Because they are more sweat and moist, and also easier to catch. Am I right?


It is true that younger stock tends to taste better (Veal is a nice example) but if you go too young, investigation by law enforcement officials will become much more aggressive and citizen cooperation will increase drastically, (not to mention there may be unlawful retaliation and investigation that may be tacitly allowed by law enforcement) which will put a serious damper on business, so extreme caution regarding age is advised. Balancing the quality of ingredient with the difficulty of maintenance is something to keep a close eye on. It would be best to target ingredients that no other ingredient would miss, such as the poorly behaved, despicable, unlovable, or simply whose disappearance would not be noticed, such as the criminally entrenched or extremely disconnected (AKA "off the grid"). Generally ones that either none of them would miss or none of them would sympathize with the disappearance of. There are a pleasantly surprisingly large number of ingredients of this caliber which are actually quite young and would make good stock! Removing ingredients that other ingredients find threatening will also foster a sense of complacency among them, facilitating easier capture of future ingredients. (Disregarding the sense of unrest multiple disappearances will cause.) The cost of removing more dangerous ingredients is definitely a bit of a financial burden but the future ease of capture in an evironment where ingredients fear much less for their safety will allow the cutting of costs of more advanced abduction equipment and all without the cost of maintaining their needs as they sustain themselves in a natural environment where their only threat is you.

It's important to adapt to the sociological behaviors of the ingredients for your foodstuffs, but for long-term operation it is more efficient (especially if you have a much longer lifespan) to adapt their sociological behaviors to you. (And even if you don't, you will make managing the family business much easier on your descendants.)


"very cute game' (me)

"i killed her she is dead, yall dont havce to worry!" (my little sister)



omg T___________________T


Why does she get so sad when we kill her? She told us to cut of our finger! Yeah, finger cutting and murder are different, BUT IT'S STILL JAIL TIME!!

This game is fun!


after the game I'm mentally tramatized

normal totally normal

I killed her first time around

me too


such a cute little unsettling game! i liked it 


I had watched a few YouTubers play this a few years ago. This popped up in my itch feed a while ago; so I thought I'd include it in my video! Such a quick but spooky game. Very well done!

I love games like this! It's so cute, the secret ingredient is so delicious.


omg the starting screen changes after you finish the game :0


very cute and perfectly normal cooking game! i love the secret ingredient!


i didnt know there was a second ending until i scrolled through the comments oml

Deleted 136 days ago


thats wildddd

ikilledher muejeje


I love love this game!!! its so cute and scary :33 tots should make more games like this!!~  >-<


i killed her mwhehehehh


hhonestly the first ending i got was the one where you stab almond >:3|
also I would def eat those marshmallows anyways i love blood so yummy!!!




omg same🤣


This was great, I love that everything was unnerving from the beginning because it was AGGRESSIVELY cheerful. Thanks for sharing!


Yeah, I'm gonn spend the rest of my day off at the HOSPITAL BC OF YOU!!!


first impression : aw this looks so cute! after playing : WHAT IN THE SHIZZ IS THIS....

i havent played.......




Well, im not eating marshmellows again any time soon... thank you for making this :D had a good time <3

same im deff scared of any bakery now...

My girlfriend immediately introduced Almond to the knife. :P

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